Hey y'all!!
I have been wanting to start a blog for a while as an outlet & to share my "adventures" as a mom, wife & someone fighting fibromyalgia. I want to share my journey & show support that we are not alone! Also think it will help me to see that I too am NOT alone! : ) I am a 38yo FibroMom & have been fighting this "monster" called Fibromyalgia since 2004 after a back injury from a traffic accident. I have been married to my BEST FRIEND since 1994 & we have been together since 1989! Love him more today than ever! We have been blessed with 3 beautiful children, my son is 15 & I have 2 daughters age 11 & 7! Not to mention my 3 other "babies" our dogs! Needless to say I have my hands are full!
Great Blog DeeDee.